
(Press links to order)

Paris Blinks ~ Fifty 50-word stories about Paris.

In Paris Blinks, Sharon Coleman’s brilliant imagining of Paris in bursts of fabulous poetic prose, the myriad faces of the city are exposed in stark relief. The sensual, the alluring, and the distasteful are woven into a collection of fifty, fifty-word jaunts that walk the razored tightrope of harsh realism with an exquisite, magical nuance.

Indigo Moor, author of Tap-Root & Through the Stonecutter’s Window

Half Circle ~ Chapbook of poetry.

“I see two facets in these poems. One is a haunting, dreamlike symbolism that melds animal and human, vegetal and human, that slips between worlds, linguistic and material, living and dead. The other is narrative, its stories hard-edged, sparely told, that keep twisting suggestively in the mind once read. These facets unite in Half Circle to power Coleman's subtle speaking.”                    

Richard Silberg, associate editor of Poetry Flash, author of The Horses: New & Selected Poems

Selected Poems

“was it for this” Maverick Award from the ruth weiss Foundation

“pomegranate” Midway Journal

“two rabbits drowning” Anti-Heroin Chic

hand-me-down” The Crone’s Words

The Book of Imaginary Rules” Lake County Bloom

“Surface” and “unlit insomnia” Lake County Bloom

“I know’ and “oak tree, i,ii,iii,iv” Faultline Journal

“the years it rains ii, iii, v” and “after their lungs are devoured” Dream Pop Press

Egrets & Hawks” Monday Night

“PostIndustrial WaterLily” Mary: A Journal of New Writing

“Pangea” Your Impossible Voice

“Spinning Vinyl” Your Impossible Voice

“Icehouse” Rivet

“Frozen Cities” Clade Song

“Sources” and “Laurel Creek/Arroyo de laureles” Speak Poetry in San Mateo County

“Poppies” Filoli Haiku contest, semifinalist.